Hot Mass return to Brassneck for the release of their second album “Happy, Smiling & Living The Dream”. Hailing from Swansea, UK, Hot Mass continue to take their eclectic taste in music and throw it all into a melting pot to create some melodic, grunge fuelled, indie popping, jaw dropping, punk bangers awash with defiant upbeat lyricism.
They released their debut record ‘Nervous Tensions’ in 2016, a record filled to the brim with raw energy and young ideas. In the wake of this, Hot Mass embarked on successful tours around the UK and Europe supporting bands such as The Menzingers, Iron Chic, Toys that Kill and The Bouncing Souls.
And now they’re back with 12 new melodic and poignant songs! The album expertly combines driving rhythms with their talent of infusing catchy melodies. The sounds of early college rock, 90’s grunge and UK punk particularly shine through on this record. The band feel more self-assured than ever and play with themes of joy and melancholy with relatable lyrics that take a satirical, questioning and sometimes apathetic stance on world affairs and modern lifestyles.
released October 14, 2022