
If you like your D-Beat tunes, short and angry, this should be perfect for you!

Ättestor come from the South Coast of the U.K with their own brand of what they call (ADH)D-Beat.

So far, they’ve kept themselves busy by recording two, six track demos, a full-length LP, and a split tape with Hasting’s own Comeback Clit. All can be found on Bandcamp & streaming platforms.


Reviewers have made comparisons to a mix of U.K Hardcore classics, like Spite, Heresy & Ripcord, as well as U.S Hardcore bands like SSD.

On their side, they have their usual Political / Personal lyrics, dealing with Mental Health issues & the importance of talking, to the rise in social media & the lack of actual protest, and clocking in for ‘the man’ and working in a warehouse / factory 9 to 5.

If you like your D-Beat tunes, short and angry, this should be perfect for you and a perfect match up with Zero Again, proving U.K Hardcore is still pissed & angry.


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