TNS Gig Hiatus
After 12 years of putting on TNS gigs in Manchester we have decided to take a hiatus from promoting.
As TNS has built as a label and as we’ve become involved in other projects such as the all consuming Manchester Punk Festival, we have found that we have less and less time, but also that the workload is becoming so unmanageable that it is affecting our enjoyment of what we do. The last thing we’d ever want to do is do something in a half hearted way. This is worth more than that. We both have full time jobs, we have lots of releases coming up, MPF and Andy is also busier than ever with Revenge of the Psychotronic Man.
When we first started putting on nights we perhaps didn’t have the wealth of fantastic promoters which the city now boasts and we certainly didn’t have the amazing turnouts at DIY gigs. It was always important to us to get amazing bands to our city. But we felt that something had to give and the TNS live gigs were the obvious choice. The bands we love do not struggle to play in Manchester any more because of great work, by lots of amazing promotors and the live scene is in such a healthy state that we felt that out of all our endeavours, this was perhaps the one that would be missed the least at this point in time.
We very much look forward to attending more gigs as punters and hope that we’ll have a bit more time to commit to working on our releases rather than spreading ourselves too thin. Who knows, we may even bring the zine back as that’s something we’ve missed.
So many people have helped out at our events and we can’t thank them enough. The amount of diverse and exciting bands we have seen has been inspiring. Massive thanks to everyone who has played. We’d also like to thank all the venues that have been so accommodating over the years. And we really can not say how much we appreciate you all coming to our gigs, it means so much. A special mention should go to Mikey who has been flyering for us for the vast majority of that 12 years.
We can’t tell you how much we wish we had enough time to do everything and we can’t say we won’t miss it, but a bit of time with less pressure is important at the moment. We hope you all understand the decision. We guarantee we’ll be back.
Our good friends Tim Loud and Ben Phillips have organised a TNS all dayer in leeds on Saturday, so lets make sure we go out with a bang. See you in the pit.
Bev and Andy