Released by No Time Records in the USA, this tape features the tracks from the Wretched Life 7″ and the Crushed Down To Paste 12″
PI$$ER is the brainchild of James Domestic (THE DOMESTICS / DIS-TANK / BRING THE DRONES) and draws on the talents of various luminaries of the punk/hardcore scene both home and abroad. The rhythm section comprises Swedish legend Charlie Claesson (ANTI-CIMEX / WOLFHOUR / THE PARTISANS / BRING THE DRONES) on drums and Rhodes (THE DOMESTICS / HOBOPOPE & THE GOLDFISH CATHEDRAL) on bass and organ. On guitar are Bri Talbot from UK crust titans, DOOM, and Matt Woods (ex-REVENGE OF THE PSYCHOTRONIC MAN and now DISSIDENTS). Topping all this off is saxophone abuser Eddie O’Toole (THE SHITTY LIMITS / THE FILAMENTS / BEAT THE RED LIGHT / PERSONNEL) and James Domestics’ ravaged, menacing, vocal tones taking on a murky, delay-enhanced edge.