3 Days of Liberation, Music & Performing Arts Inspired by Joe Strummer
TNS is returning to Strummercamp again to help put on the 2nd stage on the Saturday. We are also been joined by the awesome people at Spannered, Punx Inna Jungle and Hempen Jig to bring you loads of underground bands. As a group we have a load of early bird/cheap tickets to sell you.
If you are unaware, Strummercamp Festival is 3 days of fun set up in the memory of the legendary Joe Strummer. It’s a not-for-profit festival that takes place at Manchester Rugby Club the weekend 22/23/24 May.
Playing the TNS stage we have:
Revenge of the Psychotronic Man, Casual Nausea, Repossessed, Eastfield, Officer Down, Rising Strike, Matilda’s Scoundrels. Chewed Up, Shitgripper, 4130s and Foxpunch.