Aerial Salad – Dirt Mall (12″)


Second album from Manchester Punk band Aerial Salad

The band have grown in stature since their initial Roach release, and have become one of the hottest tickets in the UK DIY Punk scene

Recorded with the legendary Paul Tipler (who recorded Leatherface’s Mush and a million other CLASSIC records).

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Second album from Manchester DIY Punk band Aerial Salad

Recorded with the legendary Paul Tipler (who recorded Leatherface’s Mush and a million other CLASSIC records).

The band have grown in stature since their initial Roach release, and have become one of the hottest tickets in the UK DIY Punk scene…

“”the album was written between July 2018 and April 2019, and it captutes everything I’ve seen working as a temp in offices and generally being in my 20s trying to work my self and the world out. With some pop songs thrown in for fun.”   – JAMIE MONROE, Aerial Salad




Fever Dream


Such a pity

State O’ Yer

Dirty Mall



Additional information

Weight 0.251 kg