20 Years of TNS Fanzine

20 years of TNS? Ridiculous! Surely not?
We know what you are thinking, we do all look so young… You may have noticed we celebrated 15 years of TNSrecords last year with a new t-shirt design. But the label started later. We actually started our journey in 2003 as a fanzine, swiftly followed by our gigs, which started on 11th April 2004. There was talk of a 20 year anniversary gig, but then we realised we are putting on a fairly big gig at the end of March anyway.
Unfortunately TNS gigs and the zines are something we don’t have time for these days, but we thought it was only right that we revisited our roots by making this 20 year anniversary zine. It should have come out in 2023, but it was at least written then. I’m sure you don’t care. You can now pick up a copy from the TNS store here.
The idea of the original zine was to spread the word about the DIY scene and community. So rather than just going on a nostalgia trip we decided to be forward thinking. For this anniversary zine we asked some of the lovely people we’ve met on the TNS journey to tell us about their local scenes.
Thanks so much to them for their awesome contributions. Thanks also to Maxine and Sarah for proofreading/editing.
If you are about to say, “here’s to another 20 years”, please don’t, we are absolutely exhausted already.
Go buy one here – https://www.tnsrecords.co.uk/shop/20-years-of-tns-fanzine/